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We’re a multidisciplinary team.

We adapt to the challenge, just like our decision frameworks. 

At our core, we’re environmental strategists, decision analysts, ecologists, complex systems modellers, economists and communicators. We bring in extra disciplines as required.

We use science + economics to inform decisions.


Helping the world solve environmental management and policy problems for tropical marine ecosystems requires a complex-systems approach. 

Five concerns can arise where nature and people interact: environmental, ecological, social, economic and cultural. We address all five.

We believe this holistic, five-pronged approach is needed to truly maximise project returns and minimise or manage risks for both nature and people.

Identifying and planning for such solutions requires a deep understanding of the social-ecological system in combination with data science, modelling and quantitative decision science.

ES5 5-Sided approach


Our aim is to turbocharge the relationship between conservation doers and donors. 

In order to do this, we provide a range of disciplines from decision science and data science to complex systems modelling and management prioritisation.

Our team can provide specific expertise or cover every step in the science information supply chain from data acquisition to decision support. 

We know that the quality of our work is dependent on the quality of the information we elicit, so we listen more than we talk.

The key question we seek to answer is: Does this investment into nature have the potential to generate returns to the triple-bottom-line—that is, nature, people and investors? Will it fuel the positive feedback that is needed to drive solutions in a race against time?

If we are to fill the conservation-resources needs gap in time, every dollar invested in conservation and climate adaptation must produce the largest impact possible.

We’re here to ensure that it does.


ES5 Multi-layered, multi-disciplinary approach


We use model-driven dynamic tools for intervention optimisation.

We can tell you which interventions will work given the factors at play, over time and space.

Our aim is to provide the answers in a corporate time frame, not an academic one. We believe science has much to learn from industry and we employ the principles of Industry 4.0 to fast track our collaboration with both industry and science.

Everything is digitised, tracked, integrated and accounted for using project management platforms.

We work on small and large-scale programs and treat them with equal care.


Dr Ken Anthony

Dr Ken Anthony

Ken is an associate scientist at the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) and director of Environmental Strategies ES5.

Multidisciplinary Team

Multidisciplinary Team

Environmental strategists, decision analysts, ecologists, complex systems modellers, economists and social scientists as required.

Anita Olsen

Anita Olsen

With over 30 years experience in business strategy and development, Anita specialises in accessible science and engineering communication.

More about Ken

Ken is a marine scientist driven by conservation challenges.

He started his career as an engineer but transitioned to marine biology after his first dive on a coral reef. Ken uses models, decision science and active communication to tackle the big question: What can we do to save the world’s coral reefs?

Ken's models combine climate projections with ecosystem behaviour and environmental economics. Working with some of the smartest people in the world he then pursues solutions that make sense from the perspectives of biodiversity and services for humanity now and in the future.

His career spans academia, natural resource management and science leadership. He is a passionate public speaker but increasingly prefers to listen, write and use math-based modelling to predict outcomes.

He has published more than 100 papers in the field of marine conservation.

Find Ken on Google Scholar

"Our solutions are about delivering sustained and equitable outcomes for nature and people—both current and future generations.”


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